After using BlogOut and BlogSpeak, I'm now using HaloScan. Ironically, these services were victims of their own success. Here's what tends to happen. A clever techie guy writes some programs so that visitors to his blog can add their own comments. The code works so well that he shares the comment functionality with his friends, and then puts it on a website to be shared freely with anyone who wants to attach their own blog to it. More and more people use it, until it outgrows the server that runs it. Joe Techie then asks for donations to at least buy a new hard drive, but then runs into time problems because he's the only one supporting it. So finally he has to pull the plug.
And it occurred to me that there are some parallels between this scenario and that of church growth.
- If the service is good, people tell their friends about it, and it grows.
- Eventually you run out of space and the people who are benefitting need to donate.
- Regardless of the space problem, you need to plan for how you will service all the people.
From a church growth point of view, if we don't look ahead and plan how we will minister to more people, we won't be ready when God gives the increase.
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