Let's see...
- 10 minutes a week is less time than I spend brushing my teeth. Maybe it's about how long I floss.
- 10 minutes a week is less time than I spend paying bills.
- 10 minutes a week is considerably less than I spend doing laundry.
- Of course, it's more time than I spend putting on makeup.
- It's way less time than I spend reading email. It's even a little less time than I spend dealing with spam.
- It's more time than I spend vacuuming. (oops, the secret is out!)
- It's less than the amount of time I spend waiting for the elevator at work.
- It's way less time than I spend worrying about things I can't control
- It's less than the time I spend drying my hair.
- It's less than the time I spend eating ice cream.
Did you try to guess?
Open Doorsis trying to recruit 1008 people to each spend 10 minutes a week praying for the persecuted believers in North Korea. One of the most repressive countries in the world, North Korea continues to be one of the countries with the worst persecution of Christians. The goal is to blanket the country with prayer, 24 hours a day. You can sign-up for the exact 10 minute slot you prefer.

Prayer Requests: Child Beggars: There is so much poverty in North Korea, and children, in particular, suffer the most. These children who have no parents and no home try to grab every grain of rice on the ground at the local markets, but they are often driven away without having had anything to eat. Pray for these child beggars on the streets. These children have no one to care for them. Pray for good supervision of these children and that they may one day hear the Gospel. Guards/Prisoners: There are various prison camps in North Korea; their conditions are appalling. Christians are imprisoned if it becomes known that they love the Lord Jesus. Please pray that these Christians will be able to show something of the Light of Christ to their fellow prisoners and to the guards. An ex-prisoner from one of these terrible prison camps, Soon Ok Lee, said that the Christians she met in the camps never denied God and continued to be a living testimony to their faith. Underground Christians: In North Korea any expression of faith in Christ is punished and they are in great danger of being sent to a prison camp. Pray for the Christians who continue underground, despite the difficult circumstances and pray for safe and encouraging meetings.
10 Minutes a week. Go ahead. Sign-up. You can do it! Pray in faith that the power of God can cause changes we cannot even imagine. Prayer can go through a closed border, and can go behind the walls of the concentration camps. Prayer can touch hearts that don't even share our language. Prayer can cause nations to rise, and nations to fall.
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