I'm probably not unusual in getting stressed out around Christmas. It's partly a question of expectations, both on my part and from other people. And of course the issue of gifts gets increasingly complex.
So I've started a personal simplification campaign. Most of my friends are getting a copy of one of my favorite Christian books. People for whom that is not appropriate (either they are not readers, or don't have time to read, or aren't believers) get a gift basket that I make up for them with treats from Trader Joe, tailored to their personal tastes. And people for whom that won't work get the simple honor of donations made in their name to World Vision.
I know I've blogged about that before, but it's really fun. The way I look at it is that if I really can't figure out anything that the person wants, it is better to donate to a poor family who will really appreciate it, than wander the malls aimlessly, and then pay too much for a piece of overpriced junk that will simply take up space.
You may recall that last year I honored my friend 'H' with a camel donated in his name. It was the most expensive gift I gave, but I knew that the ultimate recipient would appreciate it, even if it wasn't exactly what 'H' was expecting. Luckily, he got the point, and was pleased. He did ask my why I didn't give a pig, since they are so useful, and I explained that I wasn't sure that a pig would sound like such an honor (especially since he is Jewish). But he assured me that a pig would be fine, so guess what I got him this year?
Looking back on it, I find that the camel was my very best investment last year. Did you know that the price of camels went up 30% this year? Thank goodness I purchased one when they were cheap! Some day I'll splurge on an All-Inclusive Mongolian Ger.
There are gifts for every budget, starting under $20, and ranging to the tens of thousands. Choose a category that will be meaningful to the recipient. Food, shelter, education, etc. The easiest way to 'shop' is to go to the world vision website, click on the 'ways to give' tab, and choose 'gift catalog'. You will see some of their most popular items, but you can also browse through a particular category by choosing a topic on the left. Feed a village. Prevent Malaria. Educate a child. Give a wheelchair. Donate a Llama. Drill a well. Care for a girl survivor of war. Rescue a girl from the sex trade. Plant an orchard. Raise a chicken. Separate the sheep from the goats...
Isn't that more fun than the mall?
You're such a smart investor. Got any tips on the yak market? 20 years ago, when my sister was in Egypt, she was offered a whole herd of camels for her hand in marriage. Just think if she had made that deal and kept those camels. She could be retired now.
If you can't afford to get me a camel this year, Ann, I would be delighted by your donating a mouse in my name, in memory of the 12 mice I trapped to their death in my house over the last month, plus the 2 mice I trapped alive and relocated several blocks away.
Hey, wait a minute, Ray. Were they gray? You didn't happen to "relocate" those critters on W. Fulton, did you? I trapped two of them last week.
They were a grayish brown and very cute. I let them off in the "Super Block", near Broadway and Riverside. As long as squabbles keep humans from using that land, the mice may as well use it.
I'm sorry, but donations of mice are not available this year.
I'll have to think of something else!
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