Monday, August 11, 2008

Can your Bible prevent Malaria?

My suitcase still smells of bug repellent, and the front cover of my Bible is not just stained, but exudes a noxious reek. I amuse myself by wondering if I have inadvertently invented a Bible that protects the user from Malaria.

One evening, we are all sitting in the gazebo, and one of the team members suddenly shrieks and starts flailing about. A bug had flown into her shirt. She swatted ineffectively, and we finally decide it must have flown away. But then I suddenly have a brainstorm and hand her my Bible. Sure enough, she suddenly shrieks again as the bug desparately exits from her blouse, as if it is fleeing a burning building. Yup, I think that anti-malaria thing might work!


Anonymous said...

Patent pending?

Anonymous said...

I think I might have to refine the formula first, so it doesn't smell so bad!