Well, that's a trick question.
Since I'm a 'C', I value the attributes that 'C's have, and I think they are important characteristics. I even think the world would be better off if everybody acted more 'C'. Careful, cautious, accurate -- what's not to like?
But even I can recognize that I pretty much break the scale. How did this revelation come to me? I think it was when I emailed VLI to tell them to correct...a footnote in the syllabus. It did occur to me that most people probably don't read the footnotes (if they even read the syllabus!). Or if they read it they wouldn't notice the error. Or if they notice the error they wouldn't feel compelled to correct it. But I kept thinking of poor Christina Rossetti who was not getting proper credit for her poem (not to mention the fact that the poem itself had two extra words stuck in, which break the meter).
At least this was more satisfying than the time I caught an error on Jeopardy. The question (or answer, in Jeopardy terminology) had to do with an Agatha Christie title. The book was published with different titles in the US and in England. One of the contestants responded with the British title of the relevant work, and was told he was wrong, and I ran over to the bookcase and checked, and confirmed that he was actually correct. However, I could not figure out whom to contact. So it still bugs me that he was not given credit for his answer.
Actually, this whole personality thing kind of bugs me. I think it would be a lot more fun to run around being the idea person, and starting things, and having other people do the work, and I get tired of being the responsible one who plods along. But where are the high 'S's and high 'C's that would be needed to pick up the pieces? I think of the Christian coffeehouse that we had at our church. My friend D. sailed in and said "Let's do this" but fizzled out pretty quickly. And K and I buckled down and made it work. But I kind of resent the personality that doesn't worry about following through or doing the work. I end up feeling inhibited in terms of even having ideas, because the work that would be neccessary to accomplish them overwhelms me. I wonder how many visionary ideas I might have if I didn't censor them up front, out of fear that I'd have to do all the work?
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