Thursday, November 06, 2003

A sigh of relief.

The first test is over.
It was both easier and more frustrating than I expected. The test preview was tremendously helpful. It really is true that 95% of the test was on the preview. The frustrating part was that some of the questions were ambiguous. Several times, I felt that I really knew the answer, but wasn't sure what the test wanted. For example, if something was phrased a little differently on the test from how it was stated in class, is that the same, or is that different? There were times when I absolutely remembered what was taught, but I'm still not sure if I answered 'correctly'.

In all honesty, I really enjoyed studying for this. I keep having to catch myself, because I've been going around trying to share my newfound 'wisdom', and I'm not sure my co-workers are as interested as I am. That was putting it euphamistically. I'm actually sure they are not, although they have been surprisingly accepting so far! They would rather talk about whether the notional exchange for a cross currency swap has one settlement or two, and whether you need a spot or a forward so your currencies net out. And I used that example on purpose, because it is probably as thrilling and comprehensible to anyone reading this, as a discussion of the differences between the synoptic gospels is to my co-workers.

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