Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Notes from Columbus: 5/3/2005 Reverend Flake

Reverend Flake leads a church in Jamaica, with almost 20,000 members. He is also the president of Wilberforce University in Ohio (commuting weekly), and in his spare time(!) he writes books. He is a polished and dynamic speaker. Here are the words of wisdom he shared with us:

  • Sometimes we don't think God has the power to lift us from our circumstances to do what he has called us to do. He grew up as a poor child picking cotton, and look at him now! How do we come to the realization of what God wants us to do? And how do we have the courage to do it?
  • We need to trust that God will bless us if we follow his call.
  • When we hide among the baggage we don't reach the capabilities God made us for. (I Sam 10:20-23). When God calls, stand up.
  • People will come to a place where they are served.
  • Don't let yourself be controlled by your fears. He had big dreams -- his church has built 161 homes, and over 600 senior citizen apartments.

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