Thursday, May 05, 2005

Notes from Columbus: 5/5/2005 - Phil Strout

Phil Strout spoke on Continuing on with the Mission of God.

Gen 3:15, God announces enmity, but explains how he'll fix it. The gospel in miniature. The fall and salvation.
Later, God calls Abram, and says he will be a light to the nations.

Mission is discovering what the Lord is doing. It is the Lord who is moving people globally. If we're going to the nations, we need to go together in teams.
Acts 13 says that Antioch was founded by 'some men' - not by an individual. Loneliness is an issue for leaders. We need to send leaders in community.

Think of the example of St Patrick, who went to Ireland with a team. Francis of Assissi walked with a team. In acts 14, notice all the references to "they". And in modern times, think of a Luis Palau crusade, which takes a whole year of preparation by hundreds of people.

We need to protect the rest of our 'herd'. Don't go alone.

Mission is for the neighborhood on the way to the nations -- its not about crossing a body of water. It can start right here.

No one is expendable. Don't let anyone in the family walk away. do it together, so people don't get lonely or alienated. There is an African proverb: if you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.

We need to discover what the father is doing now. This is our destiny.

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