Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Week 1 -- and I'm already feeling convicted

The devotional life of a leader. Spiritual Disciplines.

I knew that there would be topics that would convict my heart, but I got blindsided in week one. Not by the emphasis on reading the word (which I should do more, but was sort of braced to hear an exhortation to do better).

What totally struck me was the emphasis on "attitude and expectation when you come to hear the Word of God" . Especially this: we need to come with expectation that God will give us ears to hear -- we need humility to receive through others who are preaching/teaching/speaking. Wow -- I was certainly able to personalize that as an area in need of repentence. It's so easy for me to get snotty about a sermon that I don't like. But this lesson really struck my heart.

+Lord, I'm sorry for being so distracted by the package that have often failed to receive your word. Please give me the humility to listen, and the revelation to hear what you want me to hear+

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