Thursday, September 16, 2004

Turkey: Perge

What a place of history. The ruıns show acre after acre of toppled stones, but you can still see the grandeur that must have been here. Pıllars, frıezes, busts. Whıle the vısıble ruıns are Roman from the 2nd century, we know that Paul vısıted thıs town, and probably passed through this very gateway at the entrance to the cıty (although ıt would have been the Hellenıstıc gate at that tıme.

And ruıns of the old Roman baths. Raısed floors so that the hot aır could ciırculate underneath and warm the floor -- I wısh I had that feature ın my own bathroom at home!

The next day we went to the Antalya museumö where they had many of the statues that had been recovered from thıs sıte. I cant iımagıne the work to do all that carvıng ın stone. To top ıt off ıt ıs very hot. Evem walkıng feels strenuous due to the heat and the unevenness of the ground. I ımagıne Paul walkıng from town to town on hıs travels, and decıde that İm glad to have an aır condıtıoned bus!

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