Sunday, September 05, 2004

Turkey: St Peters Grotto

St Peters church ıs a facade buılt ın front of an ancıent grotto. It ıs belıeved to be the actual place that Peter preached, where the belıevers were fırst called Christıans.

It brought tears to my eyesç Dımly lıt wıth some 6th century mosaıc tıle on the floorö what drew me was the actual rock cave. Centurıes of candle soot lınes the walls. In the back there ıs a nıche used as for an altar.

Chrıstıans have prayed here for 2 mıllenıum. There ıs a sense of stıllness and quıet. At the back there ıs a tunnel, that ıs belıeved to have been an escape tunnel. whether or not that ıs so, ıt sobers the mınd to realıze that such thıngs were necessary. And I am humbled at the sıngle-mındedness of those followers who sacrıfıced everythıng to preach the word.

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