Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The Light Within

I've been reading A Testament of Devotion. I've been trying to read it slowly, on purpose. Part of me is so eager to get going, that I want to just rush through it, but it is clear to me that the value in the book is not just reading the words, but meditating on the concepts, and trying out the approach. Listen to this, from the essay called The Light Within, on pg 12
Walk and talk and work and laugh with your friends. But behind the scenes, keep up the life of simple prayer and inward worship. Keep it up throughout the day. Let inward prayer be your last act before you fall asleep and the first act when you awake.

Now that's worth learning. It's hard for me to connect with the Lord during the work-day -- things are so chaotic and urgent. Yet that's when I need to learn it the most.

I've also been listening to a tape series by Brennan Manning. It sort of fits in. He recommends sitting quietly before the Lord and simply saying "Abba, I belong to you". And then carrying that in one's heart throughout the day. But while I know it intellectually, it doesn't come naturally to say it yet. But I think I'll keep trying.

+Abba, I belong to You+

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